Condor Ferries


Ferry & Hotel

Select destination:

Your return date must be after your departure date.

4 - 15
0 - 3

Maximum of 9 passengers allowed on the outward.

Please select at least one adult to travel.

Have you correctly declared your vehicle height? Find out more here.
Max Length 5m
Max length of car + towed vehicle 10m
Max length of motorhome 7m. For lengths over 7m please call 0345 609 1024 to book.

Please call 0345 609 1024 to book.

Click here

If you are travelling on business or in a commercial vehicle please click here for Condor Ferries Freight.

Please note that any person or vehicle travelling for business or commercial venture, carrying commercial goods/samples will need to book via our freight teams and do not qualify for leisure fares. In addition, if the vehicle being taken is designed for the carriage of commercial goods it shall be reserved as freight regardless of its dimensions. For more information please call the Commercial team on 01481 728620 .

St malo highlights


With temperatures slowly starting to rise, and the Daffodils in full bloom, why not get a Day Trip to St Malo booked for a bit of Spring sunshine? With up to 7 hours ashore, that’s plenty of time to enjoy a whistle stop tour! We’ve picked some of our favourites below, but with plenty more inspiration on our blog to whet your appetite! Bon Voyage!

With temperatures slowly starting to rise, and the Daffodils in full bloom, why not get a Day Trip to St Malo booked for a bit of Spring sunshine?


With up to 7 hours ashore, that’s plenty of time to enjoy a whistle stop tour!


We’ve picked some of our favourites below, but with plenty more inspiration on our blog to whet your appetite!



Bon Voyage!



Eat crêpes!
Breizh Café

This will be one of your most memorable meals in Brittany. The creative chef combines traditional Breton ingredients and galette and crêpe styles with Japanese flavours and brilliant textures and presentation.



A touch of History
Château de St-Malo

Château de St-Malo was built by the dukes of Brittany in the 15th and 16th centuries, and now holds Musée d'Histoire de St-Malo which looks at the life and history of the city. The castle's lookout tower offers eye-popping views of the old city.



Sandy Toes
Plage de l'Eventai

Outside the northern walls of St-Malo is the Plage de l'Eventail which is the rockiest of the Old Town's three beaches. It links up with the Grande Plage at Fort National.

As a child, Chateaubriand described how this was one of his favourite places to play.



Local Musings
Halle Au Blé

Explore St-Malo's Intra-Muros market for a little reminder of your trip to St Malo. Held in the Halle Au Blé on Tuesday and Friday mornings, it’s a treasure trove of local produce!