Ferry & Hotel
Modern Slavery Act Overview
This statement is made in line with the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires businesses to provide disclosure concerning their
efforts, if any, to address the issues of Slavery and Human Trafficking in their supply chains.
The disclosures are intended to provide consumers with the ability to make better and more
informed choices about the products and services they buy and the companies they support.
Business Overview
Condor is a passenger and freight ferry business providing lifeline services to the Channel
Islands from the UK and France. Passenger services consist of one high-speed ferry from
Poole and another from St Malo in France to the Channel Islands. Two conventional ferries,
one carrying freight only and the other carrying freight and passengers, mainly operate from
Portsmouth and to a lesser extent St Malo to the Channel Islands.
Slavery and Human Trafficking
Condor is aware that Slavery and Human Trafficking can occur in many forms, such as
domestic servitude, sexual exploitation, forced labour, forced criminality, child labour and
workplace abuse.
Condor is committed to and invested significantly in improving its systems and processes to
mitigate the risk of Slavery and Human Trafficking. Particular focus is given to the checks and
controls in place regarding all persons boarding the vessels, to make sure they are accounted
for at all times and travelling legitimately.
Company Policy
Within the Company Handbook, Condor has an anti-harassment and bullying policy. The
purpose of this policy is to ensure that all customers and employees are treated with dignity
and respect, free from harassment and bullying.
Staff Training and Capability
Diversity training is provided to make sure all employees are aware of equality and diversity
legislation and the impact of this legislation on the working environment.
We operate an open culture of feedback and staff are encouraged to raise any issues through
various communication methods, whether it be openly or confidentially.
We have an established Enterprise Risk Management Group who meet monthly to regularly
review risks within the business and ensure steps are taken to manage and mitigate these
risks effectively.
Statement Approval
The Board of Directors of the Company delegate approval of this statement on its behalf to:
Christophe Mathieu
New Jetty Offices
White Rock
St Peter Port
September 2024
Ferry & Hotel