Condor Ferries


Ferry & Hotel

Select destination:

Your return date must be after your departure date.

4 - 15
0 - 3

Maximum of 9 passengers allowed on the outward.

Please select at least one adult to travel.

Have you correctly declared your vehicle height? Find out more here.
Max Length 5m
Max length of car + towed vehicle 10m
Max length of motorhome 7m. For lengths over 7m please call 0345 609 1024 to book.

Please call 0345 609 1024 to book.

Click here

If you are travelling on business or in a commercial vehicle please click here for Condor Ferries Freight.

Please note that any person or vehicle travelling for business or commercial venture, carrying commercial goods/samples will need to book via our freight teams and do not qualify for leisure fares. In addition, if the vehicle being taken is designed for the carriage of commercial goods it shall be reserved as freight regardless of its dimensions. For more information please call the Commercial team on 01481 728620 .

Travelling with Pets on Condor Ferries

Travelling WITH PETS

Take theWhole Family

Travelling between the UK, Channel Islands and France is really easy with us, and we’re dedicated to ensuring you and your pet have a comfortable journey. On this page you’ll find everything you need to know about travelling with your pet.


For places to stay in the Channel Islands see our pet-friendly hotels in Jersey & Guernsey.


Can you take your dog or cat to Jersey & Guernsey?

Yes, you can take your pets onboard to the Channel Islands and France.


What is a pet?

Our definition of a pet is a domestic animal such as cat or a dog. We classify livestock animals as those commonly kept for production or leisure activities in a farming or stable environment, and these would need to be booked on as freight. If you're not sure how to book your pet or animal, call our Contact Center on 0345 609 1026, and they'll be happy to help.


Pet limits per booking

One individual can travel with a maximum of five pets (dogs, cats, and ferrets only).
Ten pets travelling with two people (at least one of whom must be an adult, the second can be any age) is acceptable (as is 1:5 multiples of people to pets).

Before you travel

All you have to do is let us know that you are planning to take a pet, when you make your booking. When booking online you'll be able to select from the following options – travelling on foot with a pet, travelling by car with a pet, or travelling to France with a pet.

If you are booking through an agent or tour operator, make sure they include the correct pet details in your booking.

Condor Islander and Commodore Clipper can accommodate a maximum of 2 pets per cabin, where 1 animal will fit very comfortably. Only pet cabins can accommodate pets. If passengers wish to travel with 2 dogs, they are advised that if both are large, the available cabin floor space is limited.When travelling on Condor Islander, passengers need to bring the below with them for their pet/s.

  • Muzzle
  • Dogs own refreshment bowls
  • Dog bed


The journey

We don’t allow pets into the passenger lounges, except for recognised assistance dogs. If you’re travelling on foot your pet will need to be in a cage that meets RSPCA requirements for pet animals, which will be kept in a dedicated pet area on the car deck. The cage must be made of sturdy plastic or metal and not canvas or cardboard, which gives your pet plenty of space for food, water and familiar toys for the journey.

If you’re travelling by car with your pet they can stay in the car for the sea journey, but make sure you leave windows slightly open for fresh air, and also some water. We ask all travellers not to set their car alarms, so as not to upset any pets travelling.

If your dog isn’t in a cage or in the back of a vehicle using a dog safety guard, it’s worth considering removing any collar or harness before leaving the dog. This is because collars and harnesses can become caught on objects such as hand brakes, gear sticks and foot pedals, which could harm the dog. When you return to your car, control your dog using a slip lead to loop around its neck before opening the door wide.

It is recommended that you do not secure your dog by its collar or harness to a fixed point or seat belt in the car whilst unattended.

Visits to the car deck during the journey are normally permitted, but you’ll need to be accompanied by a member of the ship’s crew, and it is dependent on weather conditions. For more information please ask a member of staff onboard.

If travelling on Condor Islander, passengers staying in pet friendly cabins will be met by a cabin steward where they will be given their cabin key card and directions to their cabin.

Pets must be muzzled when going from the car deck to cabin and cabin to the outside deck. Pets are not permitted in the passenger lounges, lobbies and restaurants’ and must remain in pet friendly cabins unless on the outside deck for toileting or exercise.

Customers are reminded that the dog must wear a muzzle when outside a vehicle, cabin or kennel. Customers are asked to show the muzzle at check-in. If customers don’t have one, pet will need to remain in vehicle or Pet cage.


Travelling between
the UK and the Channel Islands

Pets are charged £11 each way if travelling with a passenger on foot. There is no charge for pets travelling inside a vehicle. 

If travelling to Guernsey, make sure you have the latest information from the government

If travelling to Jersey, learn about the latest guidance from their government.

Travelling to France

We allow pets that comply with the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS), on our services to and from France. For the latest information on the scheme, visit the Guide to taking your pet abroad from GOV.UK.

Pets travelling in a vehicle are charged at £20 each way from the UK or Channel Islands to France, and vice versa. This service is only available when travelling in a vehicle. Pets travelling with foot passengers are not permitted.

From 1st January 2021, you'll need to work with your vet to prepare for travelling with your pet into the EU. The government advises speaking to your vet at least 4 months before travelling to get the latest advice. Click here for more information.


Transporting horses between
the UK, Channel Islands and France

If you are planning to transport a horse for leisure purposes you can book here. Or visit our Freight website to find out everything you’ll need to know about horse movements for commercial purposes.

Transporting horses between the UK and Channel Islands requires a customs declaration stating the horse’s name and the studbook passport number of the animal travelling, regardless of whether the visit is for leisure or commercial purposes.

If you’re transporting horses between the UK and France a valid health certificate will be required 24 hours prior to sailing.

Horses can be transported via our high-speed or conventional ferry services (but remember high-speed vehicle limits are 7.5m in length, 3.1m high and 7 tonnes in weight).