Condor Ferries


Ferry & Hotel

Select destination:

Your return date must be after your departure date.

4 - 15
0 - 3

Maximum of 9 passengers allowed on the outward.

Please select at least one adult to travel.

Have you correctly declared your vehicle height? Find out more here.
Max Length 5m
Max length of car + towed vehicle 10m
Max length of motorhome 7m. For lengths over 7m please call 0345 609 1024 to book.

Please call 0345 609 1024 to book.

Click here

If you are travelling on business or in a commercial vehicle please click here for Condor Ferries Freight.

Please note that any person or vehicle travelling for business or commercial venture, carrying commercial goods/samples will need to book via our freight teams and do not qualify for leisure fares. In addition, if the vehicle being taken is designed for the carriage of commercial goods it shall be reserved as freight regardless of its dimensions. For more information please call the Commercial team on 01481 728620 .

Condor Ferries Privacy Policy

Privacy POLICY

Key details

Company details

Condor Limited
White Rock
St. Peter Port
01202 207207

Company registration number - 738

Place of registration - Guernsey, Channel Islands

VAT number - 615081466

Data Protection Officer

C/O Data Protection Officer

Condor House
New Harbour Road South
Dorset, BH15 4AJ

01202 207207

Purpose for Processing
Condor Limited and Condor Ferries Holidays Limited (Condorbreaks), together henceforth known as referred to as Condor herein, require your personal data to fulfil its contractual and legal obligations when you make a booking with us.

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Fulfilment of contractual obligations relating to your travel, as stated in our Terms and Conditions, and can also relate to any manifesting or internal processing of data to fulfil operational needs for your travel;
  • Fulfilment of payment of our services to you;
  • Fulfilment of legal and binding obligations relating to your travel with us, specifically relating to immigration and custom controls;
  • Fulfilment of legal and binding obligations relating to maritime law including manifesting;
  • If provided by you, your special category data (notably health data) will be used to fulfil any assistance that is required for your travel;
  • Fulfilment of other contractual obligations including contact in the event of disruption and cancellations of our ships, contacting our customers for any pre-departure needs and any other operational requirements relating to your travel;
  • Fulfilment of any marketing campaigns if you have given us your consent to do so;
  • Maintaining an accurate database of customers who have travelled with us, which is retained for the period stated in this privacy notice;
  • If you contact us at any point with any questions, queries, claims or complaints, your personal data will be processed accordingly with your request by our Customer Relations team.

Condor upholds very high standards for the protection of your personal data. Without your personal data, Condor will not be able to fulfil any of our legal or contractual obligations to which we are bound when you travel with us.

Lawful Basis for Processing

Under the GDPR, Condor relies on the following lawful basis’ for processing your personal data for the purposes set out above:

Where stated and you submit your details for this purpose, we will process your personal and special category data under:

Article 6 (a) – Consent: the individual has given clear consent for you to process their personal data for a specific purpose.

To fulfil our legal and contractual obligations with you, we will process your personal data and special category data in the event of requiring to do so under:

Article 6 (b) – Contract: the processing is necessary for a contract we have with the individual; or
Article 6 (c) – Legal Obligation: the processing is necessary to comply with the law relating to any activities Condor undertakes


Recipients of the Personal Data

All personal data you provide to us is held with very high regards to data privacy. Condor will only share your data with third party recipients of whom have met our stringent criteria for data protection in line with the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 and will not be shared outside of what is stated below.

The data you supply to us is shared with and in the following circumstances:

  • When making a booking, your personal data is entered into our reservation system. This reservation system is provided by a third-party company who has met GDPR standards for processing of data and the system holds all the data you provide on the booking form.
  • If we need to contact you for operational purposes, your details will be accessed via our reservation system.
  • For operational purposes, your personal data is shared with areas of the business, including our port staff and ship staff. Your special category data is shared with both ports and ships to help them assist you when travelling with us.
  • For legal and maritime law obligations, your data is shared with immigration and customs controls depending on the destination you are visiting.
  • In certain circumstances, we are bound by legal obligation to provide your details when requested by a government agency.
  • Post travel, your contact details may be shared with a third-party company who will provide you with a questionnaire relating to your journey.
  • Any contractors that may be working for us in relation to the processing of personal data.
  • In the event that your ticket has been booked by Condor Ferries, on behalf of Manche Iles Express, your name, gender, date of birth, contact details and nationality and (if provided by you) any disability where assistance whilst at the port or on board is required, will be shared with Manche Iles express.

Transfers to countries outside of the EU

Condor is a company that has its primary functions based in Guernsey – Channel Islands and has operations in Jersey. Guernsey and Jersey are British Crown Dependencies, but do not share EU status. However, Guernsey and Jersey have an adequate status rating for data protection from the European Economic Area making them an adequate country for Data transfers. Your personal data is accessed by both our employees in each Island for the fulfilment of our contractual and legal obligations and are bound by the contractual and legal obligations.

Your details will be submitted to Jersey and Guernsey Customs and Immigration systems, if required, and is done so under a legal obligation.

Retention period of the Personal Data Provided

  • We will retain your information for as long as we have a relationship with you or our client;
  • Where we are obligated to for the period where the Statute of Limitation applies and for the purposes of litigation, claim or regulatory investigation;
  • When there is a legal obligation to, for example, keep a record of your transactions with us;
  • Where we have a legitimate interest or operational need including, but not limited to, compliance and record-keeping.

Condor is legally required to keep certain sets of personal data for a specific retention period.

We will process your personal data provided for the period in which you have a valid booking with Condor.

If your booking has travelled, cancelled or passed without travelling, Condor will hold your Personal data relating to the booking for a 6-year period (+1 year) post the last travel date as to comply with relevant jurisdictional laws. Once this period has elapsed, this data will be anonymised or deleted.

Your special category data, in this case your health data if provided to us for legal operational reasons, will be processed in line with booking data (6 years +1 year).

If you contact our Customer Relations team to make a query or complaint (excluding any communications relating to a claim for any reason) will be retained for 12 months post closure of the communication.

If you contact out Customer Relations team to make a claim and the claim exceeds the retention period as stated above, relevant details will be retained for the duration of the incident.


Special Category Personal Data

In circumstances such as applying to work for Condor, personal data relating to criminal offices shall also be treated with a high degree of sensitivity and requires particularly careful handling.

Data considered "special category data" under current data protection legislation includes any of the following examples of information about an identifiable, living individual:

  • racial or ethnic origin;
  • political opinions;
  • religious beliefs;
  • trade union membership;
  • physical or mental health;
  • sexual life or sexual orientation;
  • commission of offences or alleged offences;
  • genetic data, or
  • biometric data.

Processing this special category personal data requires a lawful basis plus a condition for processing. At Condor we rely on the following:


Lawful basis:

  • Contractual;
  • Legitimate Interest.


Condition for processing:

Article 9(2):
a. Explicit consent of the data subject,
b. Necessary for employment law or social security law purposes,
c. processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent, and
g. Processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.

To find out more about how we process Specialist Category Data and the legal basis for doing so, please click here.


Your Rights regarding your Personal Data

Condor processes your data under the lawful basis stated in this Privacy Notice.

You have rights over how we use your personal data, in relation to the lawful basis in which we collected it, these include the following:

Right to Access: You have the right to request copies of the personal data we process about you.

Right to be informed: You have the right to be informed about what we do with your personal data. This is presented in this Privacy Notice.

Right to rectification: You have the right to request rectification of your personal data if you believe it to be incorrect or if it has changed since you provided the personal data.

Right to restrict processing: You have the right to request restriction of processing of personal data if you feel that we are not processing this lawfully or you may request to cease the nature of processing under the same circumstances.

Right to forget: You have the right to request to be forgotten, however, Condor has certain retention periods for personal data in accordance with legal and contractual obligations and may be required to refuse your request due to these circumstances.

Condor can, if necessary, refuse any of the above in certain circumstances.

Requests made in relation to the above rights will have a retention period of 12 months post closure of a request, after which time all information included in the request will be deleted or anonymised.

If you have a concern or complaint about our processing of personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer whose details are listed at the top of this notice. If, after raising your concern or complaint with our Data Protection Officer you are not satisfied and still have concerns about the processing of personal data, or you believe we are unlawfully processing your data, you have the right to complain to the relevant Data Protection Authority (namely the Information Commissioners Office) by calling +44 (0)303 123 1113 or by visiting their website


Right to withdraw consent

If, at any point, Condor requests your consent for the processing of your personal data, you may withdraw this consent at any time.

Processing of CCTV (closed circuit television)

Condor operates CCTV on all vessels in public passenger areas for crime prevention and detection. This is operated internally by Condor Ferries.

CCTV recordings are retained for a total of 7 days post capture and are removed permanently after this period.
In certain circumstances, CCTV recordings may be required for any legal proceedings in the event of any claims against the company. Government agencies may also request copies of recordings for certain purposes. Condor are under no obligation to notify any persons that may be included in the recordings when used for any claims or when requested by a Government Agency.

If a Subject Access Request is made by an individual, all imagery that can identify another person that does not belong to the individual will be redacted to ensure privacy of all other individuals.


Third Party Links

Our website may contain links to approved third party websites and services. Please remember that when you use a link to go from Condor to another website or you request a service from a third party, our privacy notice no longer applies.

Your browsing and interaction on any other website, or your dealings with any other third party service provider, is subject to that website’s or third party service provider’s own rules and policies.

We do not monitor, control, or endorse the privacy practices of any third parties.

We encourage you to become familiar with the privacy practices of every website you visit or third party service provider that you deal with and to contact them if you have any questions about their respective privacy policies and practices.


Changes to this Policy

This Policy was last updated on the 14th February 2023.