Ferry & Hotel
Ferry & Hotel
Condor Ferries abides by the EU Passenger Regulations 1177/2010. These regulations should not be considered as replacing the need for travel insurance. If a ferry is delayed by more than 90 minutes you will be offered a choice between a full refund within seven working days (leaving you free to make your own travel arrangements) or an alternative sailing at the earliest opportunity at no additional cost.
Where there is an overnight delay and the cause is within our control, you may be entitled accommodation either onboard ship (cabins) or ashore up to a limit of 80 Euros per person per night. We are entitled to ask you to return home overnight too.
In the event of delays or cancellations caused by adverse weather conditions that endanger the safe operation of the ship or the delay is caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not reasonably be avoided we do not offer any compensation. Customers should refer to their travel insurance policy for any claim entitlements.
You can find out more about the EU Regulation by visiting this page.