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Family Travel Statistics 2025


Explore trends on spending, destinations, types of travel and much more!  


Family travel came to a halt during the 2020 pandemic, and now travel restrictions have come to an end it’s recovering nicely with 85% of families looking to travel in the next 12 months. 43% of families are still cautious, but their behaviour has changed slightly to provide them with more security when booking vacations. 67% ensure they check cancellation policies and 52% are willing to use a travel agent to help manage booking, provide travel information and any issues they may face.  


Inflation and the cost-of-living crisis is having an impact on how families budget for travel, and many are looking to stay in all-inclusive resorts in order to keep track of their budgets and not overspend.



The Covid-19 Pandemic Has Cost The Global Tourism Industry $935 Billion .

85% of families are very likely to travel with their children in the next 12 months.

57% feel more confident and comfortable traveling than in previous years.

43% of parents still feel cautious about traveling.

For 49% of families, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a change in travel behaviors.

67% of families report that they check cancellation policies when making travel arrangements.

47% say they now buy travel insurance.

52% of parents are willing to use a travel advisor or have already used one, a sharp increase from 17% last year.

27%  say that they will be looking for travel options closer to home.

41% place greater value on cleanliness and hygiene now.

The cost of travel in 2023 has increased and 45% of Americans say their budget for travel will be higher this year. 

A family of four will need a higher vacation budget, with the average vacation costs coming in at a total of about $3,600 for a 3-day trip.

The average cost of domestic airfare was $378 in 2022, which was up 14.1% compared to 2021.

68% of families plan to vacation during the Summer holidays.

53% of traveling families expect to go on a road trip this year.

44% of people aged 18-35 travel with their children.

62% of parents take their kids under five years old.

74% of families use search engines when researching travel options.



How did COVID-19 impact family travel?

Family travel makes up 30% of global outbound tourism trips.

The Covid-19 Pandemic Has Cost The Global Tourism Industry $935 Billion.

85% of families are very likely to travel with their children in the next 12 months.

57% feel more confident and comfortable traveling than in previous years.

43% of parents still feel cautious about traveling.

The percentage of families expecting to travel for events has doubled compared to last year: events received a score of 23% in 2021, and of 46% in 2022.

45% of families say their travel behaviors and preferences have changed.  

For 49% of families, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered the change.

28% of families point to their financial situation (including the impact of inflation ).

52% of parents are willing to use a travel advisor or have already used one, a sharp increase from 17% last year.

For 17% of families, changes in personal or professional circumstances played a role.

67% of families report that they check cancellation policies when making travel arrangements.

47% say they now buy travel insurance.

42% say they place a greater emphasis on comparing prices to find the best value.

Due to inflation, 42% of families said they will look for cheaper lodging options.

27% say that they will be looking for travel options closer to home.

41% place greater value on cleanliness and hygiene now.

Families are opting for beach vacations 66% and city vacations 65% over nature or active family vacations.

The percentage of families planning to visit National or State Parks has dropped from 46% (2021) to 32% (2022).

Multi-day international vacations are planned by 38% of families, up from 19% in 2021. 

52% of respondents indicate that they are willing to use a travel advisor for their family travel needs in the next 2 years, which is a similar percentage to 2021's findings (56%) .

The top three sources for travel information are government agencies (92%) , travel supplier websites (77%), and tourism offices (73%) .

Travel clubs (72%) and travel websites (69%) follow closely behind.

A family of four will need a higher vacation budget, with the average vacation costs coming in at a total of about $3,600 .

43% of families believe travel suppliers should offer better value for money during the current climate.

35% of families feel that more accommodations should have family-friendly room options

20% feel accommodations should invest more in in-room entertainment. 

Trends for 2023 include high demand for all-inclusive holidays to help people balance their budgets - 29%

31% of families say they plan to book earlier than normal to get the best price for their family holiday

With the pandemic impacting the travel industry so heavily, the family travel market has bounced back with 85% of families looking to travel next year. 43% of families are still cautious about traveling, but in order to feel a little more secure their travel and booking habits have changed. 52% of parents are more likely to use a travel agent to organize travel, ensuring cancellation policies and travel information is undertaken by an expert and 41% place more value on cleanliness, and hygiene.


Families continue to worry about affordability and dealing with potential cancellations the most, over and above any other travel-related considerations. Inflation and the cost-of-living crisis has caused families to opt for all-inclusive options so they can balance their budgets. Families are also looking for bargains and better value for money along with traveling closer to home to save money. Families are still willing to travel but need to be increasingly cautious with spending.


Sources: Forbes, ABTA, Skift, Travel Pulse, Gitnux


What are the top family travel trends?

  • Adventure travel & active holidays
  • Multigeneration travel
  • Vacations at beach resorts
  • Celebration travel
  • Tours
  • Mother and daughter or father and son vacations
  • Cultural vacations
  • Ocean cruises
  • Educational vacations
  • River cruising

Sources: Virtuoso


What are the most popular family travel destinations?

24% of families travelled with children internationally for multiple days.

43% of families have taken a break with their children to a National Park.

41% of millennials travelling with children visit beach resorts.

Mexico and Italy have rated the top destinations for 2019.

83% of families will splurge their money prioritising the destination.

60% of families will stay in hotels.

70% of families say that the amenities for children is an important factor in destination decision.

What are families looking for in a destination? The high percentage of this demographic staying in hotels corresponds with the high percentage of them that value the amenities for children as being an important factor in deciding on the destination. This may be because hotels tend to contain facilities to accommodate and entertain those of a younger age. There is no surprise that National Parks and beach resorts, as low-cost attractions in comparison to others such as theme parks and museums, attract many families.


The top destinations being Mexico and Italy suggest that families favour warm temperatures; the average temperatures in Mexico & Italy are around 25°C in the summer months. Having a hot vacation in the summer guarantees some sun, despite any unpredictable or poor weather in their hometowns.


Sources: Consumer Family Travel Survey, Access Development, Travel Agent Central


How often does the average family travel?

70% US families say they are 'very likely' to have a holiday in the next year.

65% have taken multiple vacations of 1–3 nights in the past year.

64% had taken multiple vacations of 4–6 nights in the past year.

35% of US families are planning to take a vacation of 50 miles or more away from home.

On average globally, travellers with children born in 2010 or later are taking more than three trips a year.

Young UK families average at 2.2 holidays in the UK a year.

Young UK families average at 1.8 abroad holidays a year.

Older UK families average at 1.9 holidays in the UK a year.

Older UK families average at 1.6 holidays abroad a year.

Having children does not stop people from taking vacations, with 70% of US families hoping to have a holiday with their loved ones in the next year. How often you and your relatives visit new places together may be dependent on the age of the children as those with older children are shown to have slightly fewer holidays, abroad and domestic, a year. This may be due to more available time and budget. 35% plan to travel over 50 miles away from home which suggests that the element of escape from everyday life is one of the attractions towards a holiday. 


The increased number of holidays for families with a child born in 2010 or later suggests that these children are influential in initiating vacations. This demographic may have fewer commitments that give them more freedom to travel.


SourcesConsumer Family Travel Survey, Holiday Habits Report 2018


How much does the average family spend on travel?

In a post-pandemic world, the cost of travel in 2023 has increased and 45% of Americans say their budget for travel will be higher this year. 

Nearly 50% of families budgeted $4,000 or more for travel throughout the year.

28% expect to spend between $2,000 and $3,999.

A family of four will need a higher vacation budget, with the average vacation costs coming in at a total of about $3,600 for a 3-day trip.

The average cost of domestic airfare was $378 in 2022, which was up 14.1% compared to 2021.

To keep costs down b of summer 2022 travelers used their own car.

The average annual spend on family travel amounts to total of $160 billion .

44% of the average family US travel fund is spent getting to and from the destination.

62% will skimp on souvenirs and shopping when planning vacations.

83% will prioritize spending on the destination.

68% will spend more on paid attractions.

68% will pay out more to stay close to their destination.

63% will spend more on eating out/food on holiday.

63% will spend more to increase the length of their stay.

Over 50%  spent between $1,000 and $4,999 on vacations in the last year.

72%  say that cost is the main reason for not travelling.

77% of families said most important factor in deciding on their holiday is the best value for budget.

Families are looking to squeeze the most experiences as possible into their holidays when it comes to spending habits. The high percentage choosing to skimp out on souvenirs and shopping, and instead choosing to spend their money on the destination and attractions suggest that material goods are less important than creating memories with their families and that is what they would prefer to spend their money on. With over half choosing to spend more on eating out during their holiday, this indicates that they enjoy treating themselves on holiday with dining experiences.


With a high average spend of $1,014 per overnight trip, it is no surprise that cost is a significant barrier to families’ ability to take vacations and that value for money is valued so highly in booking choices.


SourcesConsumer Family Travel Survey, Access Development,


What are the most popular types of travel & accommodation for families?

91% of families say an unplugged vacation is appealing.

Hotels are the preferred accommodation (60%) ahead of resorts (21%) and friends (17%).

37% committed to an unplugged vacation in 2019, only 92% were successful.

49% of parents had taken their children on a camping trip in the past year.

77% of parents have gone on a beach vacation.

36% of Millenials with children chose major metropolitan cities.

4% of Millenials with children visit beach resorts.

82% of parents have gone on a city vacation.

80% of families take their vacation during the summer months.

42% take a spring break vacation.

Over 70% of families reported that they have never stayed in RVs or trailers, timeshares, or home exchanges.

72% have either booked non-traditional vacation accommodation or would consider it, such as hostels and apartment rentals.

Plane (54%) and car (47%) are preferred modes of transport.

52% make their travel decision based on the fastest option, 34% would select based on the lowest cost.

The trends here reflect the need for families to adhere to school vacation time periods when it comes to going away on a vacation as 80% of them take vacations during the summer period, the longest of the school breaks. The high percentage of families that are attracted to an ‘unplugged’ holiday suggests that they use their vacation as an opportunity to spend quality time with loved ones and as an escape from everyday life. The popular methods of transport: plane and car, correspond with the obstacles in place with planning a holiday: cost and time. The quicker the travel time means more time will be spent on holiday and, the cheaper the travel means more money is available to be spent elsewhere.


Most families choose to stay in hotels ahead of resorts or self-catering which could suggest they seek more independence and privacy. It allows them to spend quality time with each other without interruptions from the buzz of a busy resort or the organisation of staying with friends.  


SourcesStatista, Consumer Family Travel Survey, Trekksoft


How do family’s book and plan their travel?

25% of families booked their holiday through an agent in past 5 years.

90% enjoy planning vacations – 59 % only plan the basics then leave other things for spontaneity.

95% said their priority was keeping their families entertained and happy.

Children born after 2010 show more signs of influencing travel choices.

Travel review sites (63%) and friends/family (46%) are the most influential factors when booking and planning.

70% say that available amenities for children is an important factor in the destination decision.

69% decide on their destination due to its proximity to attractions and activities.

63% are influenced by friends when choosing a destination.

59% are influenced by other relatives when choosing a destination.

59% are influenced by vacation websites when selecting a destination.

74% use search engines to research and book.

85% said their priority was planning vacations around school holidays.

49% of families indicate that they've decided where to go based on pictures seen on social media, up 10 % from last year.

Families are becoming more independent when it comes to booking vacations, with fewer bookings through travel agents and more choosing to do their own research and booking online. The most influential factors in decision making are travel review sites and personal recommendations from friends and relatives. The increased number of families influenced by social media posts and online websites suggests that the internet is becoming a stronger port of information for those looking to book their vacations.


For almost all families, the priority when planning their trip is to book somewhere where they will be entertained and happy. This is supported in that 70% prioritise amenities for children when booking accommodation and location.


Sources: Consumer Family Travel Survey, Alamo, Access Development


What influences family travel?

Children emerged as a big source of inspiration for family travel (76%) post-pandemic 2022.

Followed by friends (53%) and other family members (52%) .

Almost half of the respondents are inspired by travel bloggers (49%) .

In terms of providing travel information, travel advisors (80%) and journalists (56%) are the top sources. 

The top three resources that provide US families with travel inspiration are movies (81%) , TV shows (73%) and Pinterest (71%) .

Other social media platforms that provide inspiration are Instagram (68%) , Facebook (61%), and TikTok (58%) .

Travel advertising inspired 61% of respondents.

49% of families' main priority is visiting new places and exploring together.

Spending quality time together is listed as the number one benefit as traveling with loved ones for the 5th year in a row.

52% of global travelers go on vacation to visit family/friends.

33% of people are likely to go on holiday with their immediate family.

Children born after 2010 show more signs of influencing travel decisions.

60% say the final decision is made by both the children and the adults.

What do families look to get out of their time away? Traveling together enhances relationships as you experience new cultures, places, and activities together. It is a chance to get away from the everyday hassle of work and school and really allows loved ones to connect. 52% of the global travelers going on vacation to visit their relatives or friends shows how important relationships are.


The increasing influence of younger children on initiating travel suggests that younger children have been exposed to holiday inspirational messages, either through online platforms or other means.


Social media and newer channels such as TikTok are now starting to influence travel decisions. The social media outlets US families engage with for travel content have undergone considerable changes compared to our findings in 2019. Pinterest’s reach has grown from 52% to 71%, Instagram’s has increased somewhat from 60% to 68%, and Facebook’s has declined from 79% to 61%.


Sources : Consumer Family Travel Survey , Holiday Habits Report 2018 , Access Development