Condor Ferries


Ferry & Hotel

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Your return date must be after your departure date.

4 - 15
0 - 3

Maximum of 9 passengers allowed on the outward.

Please select at least one adult to travel.

Have you correctly declared your vehicle height? Find out more here.
Max Length 5m
Max length of car + towed vehicle 10m
Max length of motorhome 7m. For lengths over 7m please call 0345 609 1024 to book.

Please call 0345 609 1024 to book.

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If you are travelling on business or in a commercial vehicle please click here for Condor Ferries Freight.

Please note that any person or vehicle travelling for business or commercial venture, carrying commercial goods/samples will need to book via our freight teams and do not qualify for leisure fares. In addition, if the vehicle being taken is designed for the carriage of commercial goods it shall be reserved as freight regardless of its dimensions. For more information please call the Commercial team on 01481 728620 .

CONDOR has teamed up with the Guernsey Sports Commission and Jersey Sport to help the next generation of Islands’ sports stars by establishing a dedicated travel fund.

The initiative directly benefits up-and-coming local athletes who will be able to attend events, training, trials and competitions in Jersey, the UK or overseas by travelling on Condor’s network. The Guernsey Sports Commission will oversee the selection of appropriate recipients, aged from 13 to 23 and the fund, which starts now, is worth £6,000 each year.

Justin Amey, Condor Ferries’ Head of Sales and Marketing, said:

"During our many years of involvement with local sport, it is clear that there is a wealth of talented youngsters, some of whom need a helping hand to develop their talent in the UK. We are delighted to partner with the Guernsey Sports Commission and Jersey Sport and utilise their expertise in identifying and nurturing the most deserving recipients."

Graham Chester, Operations Director for the Sports Commission, thanked Condor for their support:

"Competing and training off-island is essential for many of our aspiring young sports people but we know that the cost of travel can sometimes be a barrier, particularly when they need to travel with a parent or coach or take bulky sports equipment with them.

‘This support from Condor will certainly provide an additional boost by increasing travel opportunities to the UK, Jersey or France for those young people who regularly compete or train off-island and will work alongside our established Sport Development Fund."

The Assistant Sustainable Economic Development Minister with responsibility for sport, Andy Jehan, said:

"We know that travel forms a significant proportion of the costs incurred by athletes whose talent leads them to compete outside Jersey, so I’m delighted that Condor are offering this travel bursary. I see the Condor Travel Bursary as useful and welcome addition to Government’s plans to support talented athletes, which will be announced in due course."

Steve Law, Chair of Jersey Sport and the Grants Advisory Committee said:

"Jersey Sport are delighted to be supporting this new initiative which will assist local talented athletes by gaining vital off-island experience through training and competition. We look forward to working with Condor in this partnership and continuing to do all we can to support our talented athletes."

The travel fund, which is separate from the company’s established Community Fund, will accept applications from any sport although it is being targeted at those who usually travel with equipment or vehicles e.g. triathlon, cycling, motor sport and those competing in equestrian events. It will be run in both Islands so Condor is also working with Jersey Sport.

Mr Amey added: ‘This is the first time we have developed a fund that helps Islanders achieve their individual and shared sporting ambitions off-Island. Our goal is to assist a few sporting protégés in realising their dreams and potentially fly the Guernsey flag on the bigger stage.’

For details and how to apply,