Ferry & Hotel
Ferry & Hotel
You may only carry equipment such as firearms or other items which could be used as offensive weapons provided you are fully licensed and can fulfil all legal requirements. This ruling only applies if you are carrying the weapon(s) in a vehicle. Foot passengers are prohibited from transporting weapons or ammunition either on foot, or in the hold. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet all of the legal requirements for the possession and transport of any firearms or ammunition.
Please ensure that you check all of the legalities referring to the transportation of arms/ammunition because the laws in France, Jersey & Guernsey differ to those in the UK. This includes but is not limited to Firearms and/or Ammunition, Swords, Knives or Blades (including Chef’s Knives).
You can take ammunition, but this must be kept to a maximum of 1000 rounds of ammunition (which MUST be less than 0.5 “(12.7mm) calibre) and stored in separate locked carrying cases within the vehicle. Foot passengers are not allowed to travel with any weapon(s) or ammunition.
You must declare this at the time of booking by emailing this form and any relevant documents to firearmsdeclaration@condorferries.co.uk at least 48 hours before you intend to travel. Once you have informed us of all the details, we must pass the information onto the authorities at the ports to avoid any problems for you when you travel.
All vehicles are subject to searching at both ports and this will avoid any misunderstanding. However, you should still advise the check in operator that you are carrying such. The weapons(s) must remain inside the vehicle. Any weapon must also be obscured from view or under a cover.
Even if your gun is only for display, the requirements are exactly the same.