Our customer support team have used their knowledge to put together a list of answers to your most frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered below, then please get in touch!
For passengers who have reduced mobility or a disability information for special assistance can be found here. If you have any other enquiries or special requirements then please contact our reservations team on 0345 609 1024.
Condor Liberation, Condor Islander and the Commodore Clipper have lifts from the car deck, which are reserved for the use of passengers with wheelchairs, pushchairs or reduced mobility. On the Condor Voyager where a lift is not available, please make use of the ramps from the car deck to the passenger area.
Commodore Clipper has an adapted Cabin for disabled or reduced mobility passengers. This cabin offers an adjoining bathroom which includes a sit-in shower facility for ease of use. The new cabin is a 4-berth with 2 lower tier beds and 2 upper tier beds, perfect for passengers accompanying a disabled or reduced mobility friend or family member. You can book this cabin online, by phone or in person at our port offices.
In order to align our carriage requirements with the guidance of our Flag State the following items may be carried with prior notification at the time of booking:
Please note: Foot passengers may not transport firearms, ammunition, gas canisters or any other item considered to be a dangerous weapon, such as bows and arrows, knives (including chef's knives) swords etc, on board our vessels. Any dangerous items will be taken and confiscated by security/ police at the port of departure and passengers will not be permitted to collect these items on their return.
Category Dangerous Goods exempted from the requirements of the IMDG Code
A maximum of 1000 cartridges of UN 0012 and UN 0014 of Class 1.4S per vehicle, which should be carried in the original manufacturers packaging, is permitted without documentation. Quantities in excess of this must be declared and carried according to the full provisions of the IMDG Code.
Propane/Helium (maximum of 3 cylinders, the combined weight of which must not exceed 47 kg) Purged cylinders require certificates to be produced.
Cars/camper vans/motor homes/caravans
Butane/Propane (maximum of 3 cylinders, the combined weight of which must not exceed 47 kg) for lighting, cooking or heating purposes only.
Cars powered by multi fuel hybrids
Only recognised manufactured models with standard specification or where evidence is provided that any modifications have been carried out by a competent certified mechanic.
A maximum of 6 cylinders may be carried per vehicle of size ‘F’ or smaller (Note size F has 9.4 litres water capacity, with approximate dimensions 930mm x 140mm or up to 60 litres aggregate water capacity), containing either UN1002 AIR, COMPRESSED, UN1072 OXYGEN or UN3156 COMPRESSED GAS, OXIDISING N.O.S (Oxygen, Nitrogen).. No other dangerous goods (e.g. Class 2.1 Flammable gases, Class 3 Flammable liquids) may be carried in the same vehicle as the diving gases.
DIY and household effects
Flammable paint and paint related material (maximum 10L combined). Disposable Gas Receptacle (Maximum 1L) for blow torch or similar.
Fire Extinguishers
Small fire extinguishers up to a maximum total weight of 5kg per vehicle or caravan or trailer.
Private vehicles can only take fireworks in retail packaging, maximum 5 kg package weight in total..
Forage for animals
Small “horse” Box (including trailers) carrying animals. 3 Bales Standard Size. Bales to be covered if outside of vehicle. Large “horse” Box. Additional bales may be transported within the vehicle, to a maximum of 3 bales per animal.
Items carried in Personal luggage
Personal grooming or hygiene products e.g. hairsprays, toiletries
Lifejackets & Flares
Within test date flares and lifejackets which are classified as dangerous goods. Maximum per Vehicle of 6 x Lifejackets, 6 x Handheld Flares, 4 x Parachute Flares and 2 Smoke Floats for use in leisure craft only.
Medical oxygen
Private vehicles used to carry sick or disabled persons may carry up to six, of size 'F' or smaller, cylinders (i.e. up to 60 litres aggregate water capacity) containing UN 1072 oxygen, compressed provided the patient has a letter from a doctor stating they require medical oxygen. In addition to the above conditions the use of oxygen on board ship is only in non-smoking areas designated by the master.
Petrol & Diesel
In an approved container (maximum quantity 5L per vehicle). The above items must be declared to the ship’s officer prior to loading.
In all the above cases the goods must be secured against movement. For gases, except when being used for medical purposes, the gas supply should be shut off at the cylinders and stowed away from sources of ignition and heat.
All firearms should be accompanied by a current valid Firearm, Shotgun or Registered Firearms Dealer’s (RFD) certificate and these should be available for inspection by either the booking in staff or port security personnel. Certificate holders should be aware of their requirements for ensuring the secure storage of arms and ammunition, for example: Any shooting equipment should not be visible when carried in vehicles.
Some local ports require paperwork to be completed prior to travel. Please contact 0345 609 1026 to declare your items and check paperwork requirements.
All of the above items must be declared to the ship’s officer prior to loading, and delcared at the time of booking.
If the quantities being carried exceed those stated in above the full provisions of the IMDG Code should be applied.
The onboard shop has a selection of duty free items including alcohol and spirits, cigarettes, confectionery, toys and games and fragrances. There are limits on what you are allowed to take which can be viewed here. These limits will also be shown on the back of your boarding card.
You may only carry equipment such as firearms or other items which could be used as offensive weapons provided you are fully licensed and can fulfil all legal requirements. This ruling only applies if you are carrying the weapon(s) in a vehicle. Foot passengers are prohibited from transporting weapons or ammunition either on foot, or in the hold. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet all of the legal requirements for the possession and transport of any firearms or ammunition.
Please ensure that you check all of the legalities referring to the transportation of arms/ammunition because the laws in France, Jersey & Guernsey differ to those in the UK. This includes but is not limited to Firearms and/or Ammunition, Swords, Knives or Blades (including Chef’s Knives).
You can take ammunition, but this must be kept to a maximum of 1000 rounds of ammunition (which MUST be less than 0.5 “(12.7mm) calibre) and stored in separate locked carrying cases within the vehicle. Foot passengers are not allowed to travel with any weapon(s) or ammunition.
You must declare this at the time of booking by emailing this form and any relevant documents to firearmsdeclaration@condorferries.co.uk at least 48 hours before you intend to travel. Once you have informed us of all the details, we must pass the information onto the authorities at the ports to avoid any problems for you when you travel.
All vehicles are subject to searching at both ports and this will avoid any misunderstanding. However, you should still advise the check in operator that you are carrying such. The weapons(s) must remain inside the vehicle. Any weapon must also be obscured from view or under a cover.
Even if your gun is only for display, the requirements are exactly the same.
Passengers are permitted to bring their own food and drink onboard and consume it during the sailing, however alcohol may not be brought onboard any of our vessels for consumption during your crossing.
Alcohol may only be consumed onboard if it has been purchased from the onboard bars and restaurants. Please note that this does not include alcohol bought in the Duty Free shop, this is not to be consumed during the sailing.